Unveiling the Power Within

Enhanced Edge AI Integration: Elevate your operations with our cutting-edge edge computing solution. Seamlessly integrate state-of-the-art hardware into your aircraft, ground station, or opt for a sensor-agnostic standalone system compatible with both manned and unmanned aircraft. Our robust edge computing platform processes data onboard, ensuring lightning-fast AI analysis with minimal latency for unparalleled performance.

Customer-Bespoke AI: Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all solutions. We specialise in customising AI models to suit your exact requirements, whether it’s pinpointing specific objects, tracking targets with precision, or detecting anomalies with accuracy. Our extensive collection of airborne sensor data forms the backbone of our database, enabling a wide range of AI analysis capabilities. Additionally, our innovative approach involves the use of advanced electrical drones to gather targeted data efficiently, minimising development costs without compromising on quality. Get AI that’s designed to work for you, not the other way around.

The AI tags people at 200x zoom from the Zenmuse H20T gimballed camera

On-Demand Recording & Upgrade: Capture and store critical AI-powered insights for post-mission analysis and training. The system also allows for seamless upgrades to your AI models, ensuring you always have the latest and most effective capabilities.

Benefits that Take Flight

  • Enhanced Situational Awareness: Make faster, more informed decisions with AI-powered insights at your fingertips.
  • Reduced Operator Workload: Let AI handle the heavy lifting, freeing up operators to focus on critical tasks.
  • Improved Mission Effectiveness: Achieve your objectives with greater precision and efficiency.
  • Future-Proof Technology: Stay ahead of the curve with a system that adapts and grows with your needs.
Drone lifting a dummy

Soar to new heights of intelligence with our AI-powered solution. Contact us today to unlock the potential of your surveillance aircraft (manned or unmanned) and see what you’ve been missing.

A group of people tagged simultaneously by the AI

AI powered environmental protection

At Tiepoint, we harness the power of cutting-edge AI technologies to revolutionize environmental protection through advanced mapping solutions. Our expertise lies in seamlessly integrating artificial intelligence into mapping processes, offering unparalleled capabilities for real-time monitoring, detection, and classification in diverse environmental settings.

Our Deliverables:

  • AI-Enhanced Mapping: Utilize state-of-the-art AI algorithms to enhance mapping accuracy and efficiency, providing detailed insights into environmental landscapes.
  • Real-Time Detection: Enable real-time detection of oil spills, wildlife habitats, and pollution hotspots, empowering rapid response and decision-making.
  • Automated Data Analysis: Implement automation tools for data analysis, cleaning, and transformation, ensuring high-quality, actionable insights.
  • Customized Solutions: Tailor-made solutions to meet specific environmental protection needs, including offshore oil spill prevention and coastal zone management.
  • Future-Ready Technologies: Explore and integrate the latest advancements in AI, drone technology, and GIS for continuous innovation and effectiveness.

Partner with Tiepoint to lead the way in environmental stewardship, leveraging AI-driven mapping solutions for a sustainable future.


Du er eksperten

- la oss støtte deg og gi deg rom til å gjøre det du kan best

Er du en ingeniør, utrykningspersonell, bygg-inspektør eller fotograf? Opplever du å undergrave ekspertisen din av å bli overbelastet med nye droneregler, prosedyrer og utvikling?

Gjennom vår drone-støtte vil vi navigere gjennom dette minefeltet og få deg i luften på en trygg og lovlig måte

  • Vi tilbyr deg med kunnskapen og sikkerheten du trenger, slik at du kan fokusere på arbeidet og flyvingen. 
  • Vi utvikler prosedyrer og nødvendig dokumentasjon etter dine krav.
  • Vi tilbyr utdanning og trening.
  • Vi leverer drone-støtte og systemer for sikkerhets-håndtering.

Sikkerhet og kunnskap til deg!