Addressing the Challenges of Drone Operations in Icing Conditions in the Arctic Sea

Oil spill protection vessels during a drill

Abstract Tiepoint, a leading company specializing in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), has extensive experience operating drones in the challenging Arctic region. With a focus on electric UAVs used by NOFO (The Norwegian Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies), this article explores the unique challenges posed by icing conditions, polar lows, and sea spray ice in…

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Researches at MIT found that toroidal propellers reduces sound levels from drones significantly

Could toroidal propellers make it easier to adopt drones for public services? “Reduced sound levels allowed toroidal-propeller-equipped drones to operate without taxing human hearing at a distance half that of typical operation.” – MIT Lincoln Laboratory | Innovation Highlight Ever since drones hit the commercial market, their adoptation to perform large-scale operations pushes their technological…

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