Posts by Magnus Lauten
Cargo Drones: Revolutionizing Oil Spill Response and Maritime Operations
In the ever-evolving world of maritime logistics and environmental protection, cargo drones are emerging as a game-changer.
Read MoreMini 4 Pro: DJIs største hopp i følgemodus
This article is currently only available in Norwegian. An English version will be published soon. I dagens digitale landskap, hvor sosiale medier dominerer og alle ønsker å fange det perfekte øyeblikket, er det viktigere enn noensinne å ha riktig utstyr til jobben. Enten du er en nybegynner innen droner eller en erfaren fotograf, har DJI…
Read MoreBente Heggedal Løvold slutter i Luftfartstilsynet, blir Business Development Director i Tiepoint
This article is currently only available in Norwegian. An English version will be published soon. Vi er svært glade og stolte for å få Bente ombord som Business Development Director. Bente vil ha et særlig ansvar for konsept- og forretningsutvikling rettet mot klassene Specific med de høyere Sail-klasser, og Certified. Dette er et udekket område…
Read MoreMatrice 350 RTK: DJIs nye revisjon av deres råeste droneplattform bygget for industrien
This article is currently only available in Norwegian. An English version will be published soon. 2020 var året der DJI utførte et kvantesprang for deres industrirettede droneplattform “Matrice” med modellen M300 (Matrice 300). Forgjengeren, døpt Matrice 200 Series var ute allerede i 2017. Etter to år ute i felt dukket den oppdaterte Matrice 200 Series…
Read MoreWhich Drone Should I Choose?
In the technological age we live in, drones have become an incredibly popular tool for both recreational activities and professional use. From film and TV production to mapping and inspection of infrastructure, drones have changed the way we operate in many areas. But with an ever-growing market of drones to choose from, it can be…
Read MoreIKEA Soars to New Heights with Drones for Inventory Management
IKEA Expands Use of Drones for Inventory Management “Being at the forefront when it comes to innovative and value adding solutions is part of the IKEA heritage. We are always curious of learning from others and this project is a great example of how we have collaborated across IKEA and together with an external partner come up with a…
Read MoreDelair UX11 is the first-ever drone in Europe to receive a C6 classification
With a C6 classification, the Delair UX11 will be able to perform BVLOS-flights by using EASA’s Standard Scenarios. “Drones are much more frugal in terms of energy consumption and carbon emissions than traditional means such as helicopters. We are proud to provide our customers and their operators a reliable, rugged drone and, from now on,…
Read MoreResearches at MIT found that toroidal propellers reduces sound levels from drones significantly
Could toroidal propellers make it easier to adopt drones for public services? “Reduced sound levels allowed toroidal-propeller-equipped drones to operate without taxing human hearing at a distance half that of typical operation.” – MIT Lincoln Laboratory | Innovation Highlight Ever since drones hit the commercial market, their adoptation to perform large-scale operations pushes their technological…
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