Which Drone Should I Choose?


In the technological age we live in, drones have become an incredibly popular tool for both recreational activities and professional use. From film and TV production to mapping and inspection of infrastructure, drones have changed the way we operate in many areas. But with an ever-growing market of drones to choose from, it can be challenging to know “which drone” is best for you and your needs.

Know your needs

First and foremost, the most important thing is to identify your specific needs. Are you a hobbyist photographer wanting to take your art to new heights, literally? Or are you a business looking to use drones for data collection, mapping, or perhaps even emergency services? Or maybe you’re just curious and want to learn more about this fascinating technology?

Understand the categories

To ensure safe and efficient use of drones, it’s important to know the different categories within drone regulations, as defined by the EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) and the Civil Aviation Authority. Drones can be classified under three main categories: open category (A1/A3 & A2), specific category (STS), and certified category. Each category has different requirements and restrictions, which vary based on factors such as drone weight, operational area, and risk level.

Education and certification

As the regulations for drones are becoming increasingly extensive, it’s become more important than ever to have the right knowledge and certification. Questions such as “can you fly a drone without a certificate?” and “how high is it allowed to fly with a drone?” are often asked by both beginners and more experienced users.

This is where companies like Tiepoint come into the picture. Tiepoint is a leading provider of drone training material and offers a range of courses designed to help both private and professional users gain the necessary knowledge to maintain flight safety.

Costs and insurance

Owning and operating a drone involves a number of costs, including purchase price, maintenance and insurance. The cost of drone insurance varies greatly based on several factors, including the type of drone, operational area, commercial or recreational use. While most drones require a mandatory insurance, it isn’t a requirement for drones that are CE-classified as toys. To figure out a drone classification, you can check with the retailer, manufacturer or its user-manual (Most user-manuals are available online).

Choose the right drone for your needs

Knowing “which drone” to choose requires an understanding of which features and specifications are important for your specific needs. For example, if you’re interested in photography and film production, you will likely prioritize a drone with a high-quality camera and stabilization features. For professional purposes such as mapping or infrastructure inspection, you might need a drone with advanced sensors and data collection capabilities.

Safety and regulations

Another important factor to consider is safety and regulations surrounding drone operations. Some questions you should ask may include “where is it legal to fly a drone?” and “is it legal to fly a drone in a neighborhood?” The rules can vary significantly depending on where you are, and violations of these rules can lead to severe penalties. Therefore, it’s important to be well-informed about local laws and regulations.

To help with this, Tiepoint offers a range of courses that cover everything from a basic introduction to more advanced courses for open categories A1/A3, A2, and specific category STS. These courses are designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the rules and operate drones in a safe and efficient manner.

Support and training

Regardless of which drone you choose, it’s important to have access to the right support and training. Mastering the skills and knowledge to fly a drone takes time and practice. Therefore, it may be helpful to have access to resources like Tiepoint’s monthly Q&A for deeper insight into operational and regulatory issues.


Choosing the right drone for your needs can be a challenging task given the wide range of available options. But by considering your specific needs, understanding the different categories of drones, considering costs and insurance, and ensuring you have the right education and support, you’ll be well-equipped to make the right choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you need to fly a drone?
Generally, to fly a drone you need a drone itself, a controller, and in many cases, a mobile device to view live video feed from the drone. Depending on the drone’s weight and use, certificates and permits may also be required.

Where is it legal to fly a drone?
This varies greatly based on local laws. Generally, it is prohibited to fly drones near airports and in some public areas such as national parks. It’s important to check local laws and regulations before flying a drone.

Is it legal to fly a drone in a neighborhood?
This also depends on local laws and regulations. In many cases, it’s allowed, but there may be restrictions related to population density and the size/weight of the drone.

How much does it cost to insure a drone?
The price of drone insurance can greatly vary depending on several factors, including the value of the drone, where and how it will be used, and the type of insurance. It may be wise to get multiple quotes to find the best price and coverage for your needs.

Can you fly a drone without a certificate?
Depending on where you are and the weight and use of the drone, a certificate may be required to fly a drone. In Norway you would need A1/A3 as a minimum unless the drone is CE-classified as a toy, or weighs less than 250 grams.

How high is it allowed to fly with a drone?
In many countries, including Norway, there is a maximum height of 120 meters above the ground for drone flying, but this can vary depending on local laws and regulations.

Which drones need to be insured?
In Norway, liability insurance is mandatory unless the drone is CE-classified as a toy. It’s important to check local laws and regulations if you are traveling abroad.

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